Friday, March 30, 2007


My desk faces a window that faces west. The sunlight is especially strong starting around 3pm and lately, with the seasonal change and Hamburg being rather north, I am treated to radiant sunsets on those days when I am home and lucky enough to catch them. I would rather work with my sunglasses on than draw the curtain or move all my furniture around. I do get distracted by my reflection in my computer screen, as the strength of the natural light during the afternoon working hours puts the lumens of the laptop to shame.

I can't say I've been especially impressed with spring since I moved from Los Angeles almost twelve years ago. But this has changed here in Hamburg. In L.A., spring is mostly an olfactory delight: you notice the eucalyptus more and can smell the wet screen doors in the morning. In Hamburg, spring is entirely a visual spectacle, and not because of blooming flowers or leaf buds; rather, the sunlight is unreal, no matter what time of day. It's a bit like walking around in a television douche ad from the late 1970s. Everything is hazy and rosy and looks warm even if its still a bit fresh out.

Last night was the first night I could sleep with the window open since September. That night is always my favorite one of the year.

Yesterday I also went to get my teeth cleaned for the first time in a year and a half. My insurance here is apparently excellent, though I remain bewildered by it and keep expecting a bill any day now. The hygenist was very serious and asked me questions about what kind of toothbrush I used, electric or manual (electric), in what order I brush my teeth (from left to right, front then back, upper then lower), how often I floss (4 times a week, I lied), and she showed me a better technique for flossing the molars way in the back. Then she looked me earnestly in the eyes and, very sincerely, said:

Aber eigentlich haben Sie wunderschöne Zähne.
[But you really have wonderfully beautiful teeth].

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